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Your Marriage Proposal - Things to Keep In Mind

So, you're about to pop the biq question...  Want to maximize the chances that he or she will say yes?  You should keep in mind some things to make the moment right.

Things you should do:

Select a location that has some significance to the two of you, such as where you first met, had your first date, first kiss, first "I love you", special place the two of you go...

Incorporate details that show you pay attention. Favorite flowers, song, food...

Take advantage of your moment of greatest impact. Pop the question before they see it coming.

Remember, it may be your proposal, but you have to take into account how the other person will feel being put into this situation. You're outgoing, but they're shy.

Think about getting parent's blessing. Your not looking for permission, but it shows respect and sets the stage for a good relationship with your future in-laws.

Drop to bended knee. It may sound corny, but it adds impact!

Have a contingency plan in case your proposal doesn't happen exactly the way you planned.

Bring along a cell phone. They're going to want to tell everyone how romantic and creative their spouse-to-be is.

Buy the latest issue of a bridal magazine so she can start planning her wedding.

Things you should not do:

Don't make your proposal too complicated. The more complicated it is, the more likely that something can go wrong.

Don't propose how you would want to be proposed to, propose the way she would want you to propose to her. The scoreboard at a football game won't mean much to her if she's not a sports fan.

Don't get so caught up in the details, that you don't get to enjoy the moment.

Don't hide the ring in food. Many of these proposals are followed by a trip to either the dentist or emergency room.

Don't be too obvious. If you never take them out in a limo, they're going to immediately be suspicious if you show up at their front door with one.

Don't tip your hand by asking her questions regarding her ring size or trying to measure it in her sleep. Take one of her rings to the jewelers and they will be able to estimate the size.

Oh yeah, one more thing...  It IS Ok to ask him to marry you.  Good luck!